Another Marden Edwards Tea Bag Overwrapping Machine for Red Diamond Inc., USA

Post date: 31 July 2007

S3B100FF OverwrapperRed Diamond Inc., from Birmingham, Alabama, USA has just placed an order for their second Marden Edwards S4B100FF fully automatic overwrapping machine.

Red Diamond, founded in 1906, is one of the three oldest family owned and run tea and coffee companies in the USA. It is dedicated to providing the highest quality teas and coffees to restaurants, hotels, offices, hospitals and homes across the Southeast USA.

The first Marden Edwards S4B100FF was purchased in November 2006 for over wrapping the 24, 48 and 100 count cartons of tea bags. The first reason for purchasing the new machine was to replace an existing overwrapper which was proving expensive and difficult to maintain. The second reason as to dramatically improve the appearance of the overwrap.

Red Diamond's Joe George, Vice President of Manufacturing, who was responsible for purchasing the Marden Edwards machines, said "I have been very pleased with the simplicity of operation of the Marden Edwards machine. It runs all our different sizes very efficiently and the quality of the wrap has been excellent. As our production volumes have increased it was an easy decision to buy another one".

The S4B100FF overwrapper is able to run all overwrap films, including traditional polypropylene and cellophane as well as the new biodegradable cornstarch based films. Marden Edwards has produced over 8,500 machines and all are still supported for spares and service.

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